Thursday, February 14, 2013

Poetry by Srija.

                               To be Nameless
                                       By Srija Singh

'Of all that my heart knew as truth,
Of all that my mind deemed as tales,
Of all the truths and illusions that wrapped me,
As the mist engulfs its surroundings,
Making the tangible into distant dreams,
And yet as it clawed at me,
Ripping off the coverings, so unnatural,
Baring me,
Baring me to his gaze,
And I knew what I felt,
They had a name for it
A name too simple, that it simplifies the feel,
the strength, the power,
Of what could be but nameless to just be.'

PS: This is valentines day special, and yes I am aware of the irony here. But then when I think about it, there is hardly a thing, an idea, a practicality, that is not laced in irony, some way or the other, so...

PPS: This poem is my dedication to the lovely couple Arnav and Khushi, from my long time addiction, Iss Pyar Ko Kya Naam Doon.

PPPS: Now that I think of it, it is actually a trance induced poetry, wherein I had no idea what I was writing, or what I was writing about, until the final thing appeared in front of me, as if no where, or maybe of the reaches of my sub-conscious self.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Arshi SS, Chamkili. IMP NOTE.

                           Arnav-Khushi Story
                            Important Note

Hello guys.
This note is to inform all the followers of my Arhi SS, Chamkili, that I have shifted the entire story to my new blog and also that new updates from now onwards shall be posted on that blog. This new blog is dedicated exclusively to the IPKKND couple, Arnav-Khushi and if you wish to follow the story then please visit my new blog. Here is the blog-address:

I hope you'll enjoy the story, Chamkili and the many more I am planning on writing.